Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thank You Lord

Dear Lord, thank You for my beloved ones. Bless them all, let my warm thoughts and cares protect them, support them in whatever they do, wherever they are....

Dear Lord, thank You for all of my friends and acquaintances, for cheering me up when I'm at the lowest and lonely, for speaking through them when I need most.....

Dear Lord, thank You for the unknown people and things you send along whenever I need an inspiration or a reminder......

Dear Lord, thank You for all of the time you granted me for having fun, even when I didn't deserved it at all.....

Dear Lord, thank You for all the time of troubles you presented to me, making me appreciate the little nice things I have in my hands.....

Dear Lord, thank You for the angel to watch over me, protecting me from a hard fall by sending those alarms into my conscience....

Dear Lord, thank You for catching me when I fall, turn on the light when I get lost, even before I ask for help....

Dear Lord, thank You for all of those nights when I could leave all of my troubles behind and dream all of the sweet things....

Dear Lord, thank You for each of the days I spend to solve most of my troubles, make me realize of my strength, make me grow wiser and wiser...

Thank you, Lord, for all you've done for me.......
(My personal novena, as written for my FB status before my birthday. I'm now 17 going on 39....hihihi....)


  1. Very nice prayer, Blue Jasmine. Never thought of your spiritual soul will be this deep. It makes me realize how far I am from Him. Thanks for reminding me for who He is...

  2. Yes, we are HIS.

    Thanks for your sharing.


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